Sometimes you have to re-home your pet due to circumstances beyond your control:
- Moving house and unable to take your pet
- A family member develops an allergy to the pet
- Breakdown of a relationship with the pet leaving home with a previous partner
- Illness or injury means you are no longer able to care for your pet
Loss from theft or straying
If your pet goes missing, you may blame yourself – “did I lock the gate?” and “I shouldn’t have let the cat out” are comments we regularly hear and although these feeling are understandable, you cannot blame yourself. Whatever the circumstance, no-one wants their pet to be missing. In those first few hours and days, while you are searching for your pet, you have hope of being reunited but when the days extend, the realisation that your pet may not return, will weigh heavily on your mind and those of your family.
While there are stories of pets being reunited with their owners many weeks, months and even years later, there comes a time when you have to accept that your pet will not return.
Whatever the reason, the loss of the relationship can be just as upsetting as when a pet dies and the feelings of loss the same.
If you are able to re-home your pet to someone you know, this often means that you are still able to keep up-to-date with your pet’s life and maybe still see him or her. But if this is not possible and you have to re-home your pet to someone you do not know and are not able to keep in contact with them, this can be very upsetting.
You can read more in our section Human and Pet Bond – Feelings of Loss. Don’t be afraid to talk to friends and family or your veterinary staff about this if you feel you need more support, or reach out to a pet loss forum where there will be understanding pet owners.